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Submission Guidelines

Submissions are currently CLOSED. 



For poetry, submit up to six poems in a single document, preferably a PDF. Please ensure poems are on separate pages.


For visual art, please submit up to ten images. Images must be high-resolution to be considered for publication. We accept photography, painting, collage, drawing, and printmaking.


We consider creative nonfiction of up to 3,500 words in length, and we prefer files that are double-spaced in 12-point font with numbered pages, preferably a PDF. Up to three pieces of flash prose  (<1,000 words) may be included in a single document.


Please do not submit previously published material. Hood of Bone does accept simultaneous submissions, but we ask that you inform us immediately if any simultaneous work is accepted elsewhere.


Submissions should include a short, third-person artist's bio (no more than four sentences) and a cover letter. Translations are welcome and must be accompanied by the original text and original author’s name, as well as a short bio for both the translator and the author.


We do not currently accept manuscripts.


At this time, Hood of Bone is not a paying market.


To submit, please email your submission to Your submission should include your cover letter as a separate attachment. Our response time is between five to six weeks. If you have not heard back from us in this time frame, please feel free to send a follow-up email inquiring about the status of your submission.


If your work is accepted at Hood of Bone, you agree to grant us First North American Serial Rights, all archival rights, plus the rights to reprint in any future anthologies. Upon publication all rights revert back to the author.


You agree that if your work subsequently appears elsewhere (in print or online), you will give due credit to Hood of Bone.

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